Your assumptions drive your business decisions

The Assumptions Mapping is used to uncover the main assumptions that has been driving business decisions.

Your current customer journey and business processes are not random. If your company setup is like most other companies, the existing setup has been created over time based on the gut-feeling of market and customer needs.

Getting Started

First, let’s agree what an assumption is. An assumption is tested implicitly. A hypothesis is what is being tested explicitly through an experiment.

You can investigate what assumptions lie behind the existing customer journey, and based on these insights you will get an overview of the hypotheses running your current business processes and Go-to-Market Strategy.

The 3 key question categories of assumptions mapping ☟

  • Desirability: Do they want this?

  • Feasibility: Can we do this?

  • Viability: Should we do this?

The axes on the Assumptions Mapping are level of importance and level of evidence. Putting assumptions onto the Assumptions Mapping chart can make for interesting conversations among key members of leadership.

Questions to help build your first assumptions mapping

  • What problem do they want to solve?

  • How do they solve this problem today?

  • Why can’t they solve this problem today?

  • What are the technical challenges?

  • What are legal or regulatory risks?

  • How are they funding this solution?

  • What are our main acquisition channels?

  • How will customers repeatedly use our solution?

  • Why will customers refer us to new customers?


💡 This is your Resource Library. Explore a collection of frameworks, methods, and playbooks that have driven results and shaped Go-to-Market Strategies for B2B growth companies across Europe.

All resources are short, without bullshit and always with tips and tricks, questions and answers intended to make your Go-to-Market efforts more awesome.

Pia Ella Elmegard

Pia has been building organisations and communities within tech and growth for 10 years. She implements rapid experimentation and build Go-to-Market tactics that help companies identify the activities that will drive customer insights and sales conversations.


Discover Opportunities with a Customer Journey Mapping


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